Big Fish Audio | Producer's Edge Magazine | Urbanic Product Review
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Urbanic | Producer's Edge Magazine

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The interface is as 'right to the point' as the sounds. If you're used to, or better yet require, a slick GUI pretending to be the surface of a nice bit of hardware- you'll pause on start up and scratch your head. Once you dive in you'll find all the requisite functionality to mangle your drum tracks and even find inspiration when you're dry. Working within a closed engine usually adds a definable limit to a producer's creativity unless the record-live-outputs workaround is used. In a very fresh and clever move, Elastik will export (bounce) hits and loops in either the original state or your modified versions for those wanting to be free from the system but retain the core sound.

The sound quality of Ueberschall offerings is beyond question at this point. There is a unifying 'sound' to their libraries stemming from the algorithms of the elastic engine and no doubt imparted during the capture process. There is a necessary roughness to the loops that adds credibility to the presentation. You can't walk up in here and claim to be Underground Hip Hop or Urban in any sense and deliver shiny and sleek cliche tracks. It's obvious very skilled producers are behind the sound design and composition of the tracks. They know this music and deliver a highly usable slant whether they are tackling Rap or Reggae. This product should be added to the recent wave of sample libraries from companies who have learned the difference between listening to current music and copying and hearing current music building off of the vibe.

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